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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
Welcome to Russian /Int/ernational board ## Mod ## 09/10/16 Вск 18:32:39 616 Ответ
127Кб, 495x333

Welcome to Russian /Int/.

There are no limits and you can post anything that does not breach the Russian law. Please, post in English, so we can understand each other well. Please, abstain from using this board as your file hosting. Due to ban on suicide methods, child pornography, homosexual content and discrediting of the Russian armed forces in Russia, please refrain from posting materials containing any of the above. It is also not recommended to post NSFW material here such as guro and sexual perversions of any kind, you were warned.



Thank you for your attention.

/intpol/ General Anonymous  28/12/23 Чтв 23:50:58 123465 Ответ
war.webm 7968Кб, 960x720, 00:00:19
afgan.webm 16209Кб, 576x432, 00:05:14
g.mp4 10056Кб, 432x828, 00:00:49
svoboda.mp4 2495Кб, 898x720, 00:00:10
A thread related to discussing politics.

Russian/Ukrainian languages (these belong to /po), NSFW content and discrediting the armed forces of Russia are forbidden ITT, also refrain from posting this stuff elsewhere.
Пропущено 268 постов
268 с картинками.
Пропущено 495 постов, 268 с картинками.
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 00:25:41 126316
17156347364880.mp4 23450Кб, 640x480, 00:02:59
>Ukrainian funerals are funny
You do realize. This meme is impossible to undo. Foreigners encounter it for the first time, but Russians have known for centuries how much of a circus nation the Ukrainians are.
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 00:41:37 126317
image.png 1263Кб, 1025x1280
IMG3037.mp4 6206Кб, 960x1280, 00:00:19
Odessa resident Antonina Tokmakova told how a Millitary Office employee beat her with a crutch.

The girl published a video of a man in military uniform and with crutches attacking her.

The victim claims that she started filming the video during the detention of her boyfriend and was beaten with a crutch by one of the Millitary Office employees.
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 00:42:02 126318
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 00:46:17 126319
17156282706060.mp4 14533Кб, 854x480, 00:01:13
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 01:40:42 126320
17156373697710.mp4 3959Кб, 432x244, 00:00:36
/colony/ General Anonymous  28/12/23 Чтв 23:57:05 123466 Ответ
7ac.png 472Кб, 1779x887
Don't know where to go?

You can try make a small colony or else post links to any other international anonymous imageboard here.

Please don't spam your links in any other places and don't raid this board with many threads with a same subject matter otherwise it can and will be deleted.

List of indian chans for your convenience here (provided by PT-bro, 06/02/24)
Пропущено 11 постов
11 с картинками.
Пропущено 51 постов, 11 с картинками.
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 06:31:28 126045
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 19:38:06 126050
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 23:52:16 126052
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 23:20:21 126114
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 08:56:12 126239
Let's all enjoy comeonism
What was the name of Lovecraft's cat? Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 04:31:08 126134 Ответ
17150182193770.jpg 148Кб, 750x824
What was the name of Lovecraft's cat?
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 07:35:39 126256
Anonymous  13/05/24 Пнд 00:08:29 126307
17155456760520[[...].png 300Кб, 604x604
Anonymous  13/05/24 Пнд 05:38:18 126310
Anonymous  13/05/24 Пнд 23:15:22 126315
17156310401611.jpg 359Кб, 1024x1024
Hello internationals anons. I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters Anonymous  25/10/21 Пнд 13:38:54 88826 Ответ
15188756304882.jpg 1171Кб, 2304x1273
3uUvvUjngCU.jpg 407Кб, 728x1080
80ac179eefff50b[...].jpg 1966Кб, 2500x2508
15122431686890.jpg 270Кб, 1000x1210
Hello internationals anons.

I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters or something that, idk what right its calling. I wondering print it on paper and stick on my walls on room but its just dream :c

If you have posters like this, please, post it in my thread.
Or, if you too like it, you may take it too.

Пропущено 99 постов
99 с картинками.
Пропущено 154 постов, 99 с картинками.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:30:15 126225
image.png 249Кб, 604x372
image.png 866Кб, 1280x727
image.png 860Кб, 700x990
image.png 4158Кб, 1537x2160
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:35:40 126227
image.png 1844Кб, 1054x1412
image.png 1524Кб, 1703x1081
image.png 879Кб, 577x800
image.png 723Кб, 500x703
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:38:42 126228
image.png 1080Кб, 1000x1000
image.png 509Кб, 512x604
image.png 1757Кб, 1307x1500
image.png 690Кб, 719x960
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 13:27:03 126242
Anonymous  13/05/24 Пнд 16:12:40 126311
unnamed.jpg 79Кб, 382x512
wtf is this? Anonymous  05/09/23 Втр 00:19:03 120061 Ответ
vhuo87jzsh8j2vta.jpg 156Кб, 737x1000
wtf is this?
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6 с картинками.
Пропущено 9 постов, 6 с картинками.
Anonymous  06/09/23 Срд 10:00:45 120105
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 21:48:29 126032
image.png 1048Кб, 861x573
image.png 1208Кб, 600x900
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 21:51:30 126034
image.png 563Кб, 810x521
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 15:50:28 126049
One of the trashiest alcoholic drinks available in russia. Something made of cheap fermented grape juice with some extra alcohol added. Should be something like fortified porto wine but actually tastes like ass. Too strong, too sweet. People also make fun of those who drink it.
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 20:24:25 126303
Why are Russians so prideful of WW2? Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 06:31:27 126262 Ответ
RaisingtheFlago[...].jpg 189Кб, 1200x909
Hello Russians, I need to know why you're so prideful about WW2.

What did Russians do in WW2? They allied with the Nazis to split Poland, they failed to defend their own country and got half their male population killed in the process. The United States gave you the vehicles to fight back against the Germans and you still for some reason think it was Russia who prevailed. If I was Russian I would be EMBARASSED and ASHAMED of WW2.

The soviets proceeded to RAPE the innocent women and children of Europe and STEAL the land. Only after the USA got done liberating 3 continents did the Russians start to do anything. What do you have to be prideful about? 12 million Russians to 4 million Germans and you still got absolutely fucked. It's embarrassing how bad the Russian people are at war, even Finland fucked you.

The United States liberated Europe, Africa, China and countless pacific islands. We fought all the Axis powers at once and didn't steal the land in the process. You reds share a fucking border with China and guess who saved them? America. The soviets are a fucking embarrassment. The USA and UK never sided with the Nazis during the war.
11/05/24 Суб 19:58:41 126290
Russian’s response to a foreigner speaking Russian Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 21:35:16 125486 Ответ
IMG6198.gif 91Кб, 640x636
Fellas, as an actual pindos, I’m here to tell you that learning Russian is genuinely fucking scuffed.

Not only is it a difficult language to learn, extremely so for someone whose baseline native language is English but the payoff when interacting with natives is usually just comically underwhelming. Please don’t take this as an insult, it’s kind of funny, but just something I’ve noticed.

You see on YouTube/tiktok/instagram/whatever videos of foreigners speaking Chinese, Arabic or some African language and when they speak it to a native, the natives reaction is always something crazy. Something like shock or 😮😮😮😮😍😍😍😍 and praise. Maybe it’s because they’re white and most natives aren’t white so it really comes as a surprise.

Now when I as a white guy from the US with no Russian DNA or connections what so ever speak Russian to a native Russian speaker the only reaction I get is just

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Пропущено 24 постов, 6 с картинками.
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 09:12:17 126017
Nah, I lived in Brighton Beach for a couple of decades. It's mainly Odessa and otherwise Ukrainian jews. And those people are pragmatists - they will continue to speak the language and live like they did in the USSR because it's simply easier for them to do so, and the government permits their enclave , so why not?

Strangely though, they are all very pro-putin and even vote for him if they have citizenship. I always thought to myself, you haven't lived there in decades, how the hell do you feel you have the right to vote on behalf of Russians who actually have to live with the consequences of your decision...
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 19:03:08 126027
The consequences of their electoral choices are fine with me. Problems?

On the other hand, a real Russian is someone who lives in Russia and pays taxes, benefiting the economy and society with his labor.
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 19:04:24 126028
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 12:47:45 126241
I need a female Russian companion for sex.
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 13:46:40 126257
Why are you not using Linux already? Anonymous  11/11/22 Птн 14:22:15 106441 Ответ
image.png 121Кб, 421x500
Why are you not using Linux already?
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23 с картинками.
Пропущено 65 постов, 23 с картинками.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 13:54:43 126172
image.png 860Кб, 750x1000
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 15:16:29 126178
Sem título.png 185Кб, 978x852
microsoftukrain[...].png 178Кб, 906x980
microsoftukrain[...].png 818Кб, 1402x903
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 18:06:57 126190
17151798039980.mp4 3740Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:28
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 14:42:48 126243
17152544215172.mp4 6035Кб, 360x360, 00:01:03
These shit are pretty self-explanatory
video (And don't tell me it's not)

macOS user
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 18:13:29 126244
archtyan.jpg 586Кб, 3508x4960
So when does it stops? Anonymous  # OP 06/05/24 Пнд 23:30:59 126115 Ответ
грустный пепе.webp 227Кб, 742x606
When I arrived in Norway I saw that I can't post in other segments on Dvach, like /b or /pol. And I guess it's because my IP is not russian, but before it wasn't that way. So I questioning - when I can post in other things?
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Пропущено 5 постов, 2 с картинками.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 02:27:36 126124
Нет ксожелению, всё та же ошибка что очень печально. Я попытаюсь обратиться в Дискорд, как мне посоветовал анон выше, надеюсь это поможет
08/05/24 Срд 02:41:01 126167
>>126115 (OP)
Съебал в рыбоуловчную скандинавосрахию и ещё чего-то хочет

Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 01:02:35 126235
Соси хуй анонче, я всего лишь хочу быть счастливым и писать в треды
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 01:13:30 126237
Поздновато, но сходил, спросил сейчас, надеюсь ответят
10/05/24 Птн 19:29:42 126259
Вопрос решён.
Thoughts Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 00:00:24 124608 Ответ
IMG9018.MOV 2788Кб, 640x360, 00:00:08
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 20:04:19 126195
&gt;/int/ &gt;ukraine Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 03:52:18 126132 Ответ
IMG202405070351[...].jpg 91Кб, 900x900
Captcha in Russian language is discrimination. Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 16:08:58 125186 Ответ
FwuDOYMaUAIjL0K.jpg 137Кб, 772x1024
Captcha in Russian language is discrimination.
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7 с картинками.
Пропущено 28 постов, 7 с картинками.
Anonymous  23/04/24 Втр 15:39:59 125907
image.png 11Кб, 454x173
Anonymous  25/04/24 Чтв 20:46:49 125922
>>125186 (OP)
Literally just type in Russian. It will take you an hour to learn.
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 01:46:58 125973
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 03:54:57 126097
This picture can be answered in a few seconds, including typing.
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 15:41:06 126104
If you have proper means to type digits ofcource.
webm mp4 Anonymous  21/07/23 Птн 18:46:46 117377 Ответ
7845778.mp4 16801Кб, 640x480, 00:01:59
webm mp4
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127 с картинками.
Пропущено 149 постов, 127 с картинками.
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 21:51:43 125605
Anonymous  11/04/24 Чтв 01:36:28 125610
1712779129346181.mp4 987Кб, 480x854, 00:00:12
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 08:02:25 125625
Омега.mp4 4242Кб, 640x360, 00:03:33
>I have something for you that you'll love.
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 18:41:26 125671
leiriatrashingt[...].mp4 12053Кб, 724x1280, 00:00:36
leiriatrashingt[...].mp4 9330Кб, 480x848, 00:00:48
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 08:34:57 126099
17149205067710.mp4 587Кб, 360x360, 00:00:11
トー横あるある.mp4 5313Кб, 640x360, 00:01:49
Download (3).mp4 162Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:03
フェミニストアサシン.mp4 2517Кб, 608x1080, 00:00:05
You hate me because I live in a democracy? Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 03:25:52 125731 Ответ
1611683710618.jpg 45Кб, 550x503
You hate me because I live in a democracy?
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2 с картинками.
Пропущено 9 постов, 2 с картинками.
Anonymous  20/04/24 Суб 15:12:09 125826
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 12:08:01 125888
>>125731 (OP)
1) I don't hate you.
2) You don't live in a democracy. You live in a dictatorship of oligarchs and intelligence services that runs a carefully crafted system of “democratic theater” to brainwash you to believe that you live in a democracy.
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 01:53:25 125974
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 21:36:48 125987
>>125731 (OP)
ЛОЛ, уои лiттеraллy live in a giant liberal concentration camp with a minimum of rights and freedoms. Good joke btw
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 23:54:02 126084
Democracy is not were democracy institutes works.
Democracy is USA and they satellites.
End discuss.
why Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 20:28:55 126051 Ответ
image.png 89Кб, 1315x913
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 23:52:54 126053
Why Russians looks so different from European people? Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 00:15:27 126054 Ответ
171484937681132[...].png 215Кб, 1024x768
Why Russians looks so different from European people?
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7 с картинками.
Пропущено 6 постов, 7 с картинками.
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 01:50:46 126062
If any Russian agent is reading this, I would like to point out that karachan.org is the most influential portal for the entire polish culture, because everything that is there underground today will become mainstream in the entire country in 10 years, this portal is the center of the small, closed group of intellectual elite of the polish country
If Russian agents want to somehow spread their agenda in Poland, you should start with a karachan
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:26:23 126072
image.png 146Кб, 358x317
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:27:40 126073
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:30:41 126074
What's going on there in the picture? Apparently these posts are translated into Russian using Google Translate. With tips on how to enable Cyrillic on your phone, lol. Are you planning a raid where you impersonate Russians?
05/05/24 Вск 14:29:24 126078
How did he know it was me? Anonymous  23/04/24 Втр 18:11:44 125908 Ответ
1646656185352.png 323Кб, 706x675
How did he know it was me?
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 22:11:19 126035
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 01:14:58 126040
i.jpg 14Кб, 480x195
>>125908 (OP)
All anonymous on the internet make connections through an energetic etheric warp... When you shit, jerk off, eat pickles with milk and do other horrible things I can feel it with my empirical warp field warp essence, even from the other side of the globe. Just remember that every time you wank, shit or steal some war veteran's garden gnome from the lawn - I'm watching you.... I'm watching
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 07:52:36 126046
> When you shit
Why is this horrible? This is a natural process of the body!!!
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 12:42:26 126047
That God-awful shit, the one who shits goes to hell after death bypassing purgatory!!!
In finland we have drunk streamers who make living by getting drunk on camera Anonymous  23/01/24 Втр 20:33:56 123960 Ответ
7b0107bbc53c2595.mp4 4846Кб, 640x356, 00:01:05
In finland we have drunk streamers who make living by getting drunk on camera
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5 с картинками.
Пропущено 9 постов, 5 с картинками.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 21:57:22 125241
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 20:23:33 125270
783ef341714c985[...].png 144Кб, 1200x1200
he insulted Lechia Gdańsk football team on stream and the hooligans came to his house to take revenge
you can even see Lechia Gdańsk on the hoodie
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 15:49:27 125781
Anonymous  25/04/24 Чтв 20:32:09 125921
171406466880958[...].mp4 3600Кб, 1920x1080, 00:00:04
171406437330075[...].mp4 6065Кб, 1234x720, 00:00:16
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 21:09:48 126031
polish man bulling ukrainian taxi driver in poland Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 23:47:05 125753 Ответ
171320820884634[...].mp4 7102Кб, 576x1024, 00:01:40
polish man bulling ukrainian taxi driver in poland
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2 с картинками.
Пропущено 3 постов, 2 с картинками.
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 11:30:16 125763
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 15:32:55 125765
I think he's subtly provoking them beforehand to make a show. Lmao:D
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 23:34:13 125934
image.png 94Кб, 358x317
Anonymous  29/04/24 Пнд 10:29:47 125960
If I lived in Poland, I'd have the same face.
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 19:05:21 126029
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