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MasfdY STasdREawdadsNsafdGTasdfH IS PAafsdIN Aasf afsdSsfOUL TawdO SEawdLL 14/02/16 Вск 22:58:55  347236  
14554799356700.png (7Кб, 800x801)
Аноним 14/02/16 Вск 23:06:14  347240
Аноним 15/02/16 Пнд 09:34:17  347444
>>347236 (OP)
За ссылки спрятанные под спойлер надо ебать у жопу
Аноним 15/02/16 Пнд 17:15:52  347538
Заебали, ищите другой раздел под арг уебки.
Аноним 15/02/16 Пнд 20:56:06  347630
пятух ебаный у жопу
Аноним 17/03/16 Чтв 22:30:25  355497
>>347236 (OP)
Аноним 17/03/16 Чтв 23:18:33  355511
Расшифровал я твою хуйню, в слудющий раз старайся лучше
Аноним 17/03/16 Чтв 23:36:06  355513
>>347236 (OP)
Дай угадаю, очередной вомангер тред?
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 21:08:12  357064
я вот чет нихуя не понял, шо это за хуйня? шо вордпад шо ворд шо блокнот один хуй текстовые редакторы и априори ничего произойти не могет.
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:23:53  357081
>>347236 (OP)
>I'll tell you now Im the jone to survive I'll kneel a wand I'll severe The damaged the pain subsides
Ну вот первые пару предложений вроде. Остальное лень было вылавливать.
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:33:04  357084
>You'l never damage or break me. I'll succeed. You breathe your very last breath. As you a ending I'm about to begin
Вот еще пара.
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:37:23  357086
Давайте создадим арг-доску?
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:37:40  357087
Хотя там будет пусто.
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:38:30  357088
>I'll have you choke on your own demise. My army comes from deep within. My Asperger strength is pain and I will never give in. When I strike you down and send you straight to hell.

Еще пару выудил.
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:40:41  357090
The time has come and so have I
I'll laugh last, 'cause you came to die.
The damage done, the pain subsides
And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye.

I'll never kneel and I'll never rest,
Never Rest
You can tear the heart from my chest.
My Chest
I'll make you see what I do best,
I'll succeed as you breathe your very last breath.
Now I know how the angel fell.

Just kneel
I know the tale and I know it too well.

Just bow
I'll make you wish you had a soul to sell.

Soul to sell
When I strike you down and send you straight to hell.

My army comes from deep within,
Beneath my soul — beneath my skin.
As you're ending, I'm about to begin.
My strength is pain, and I will never give in.
I'll tell you now I'm the one to survive.
You'll never break my faith or my stride.
I'll have you choke on your own demise .
I make the angel scream, and the devil cry.
(The following part is only heard in the credits and briefly in the trailer.)

My honored brethren,

My honored brethren,
We come together

We come together
To unite as one

To unite as one
Against those that are damned.

Against those that are damned.
We show no mercy,

We show no mercy,
For we have none.

For we have none.
Our enemy shall fall

Our enemy shall fall
As we uprise

As we uprise
To claim our fate,

To claim our fate,
Now and forever.

Now and forever.
We'll be together

We'll be together
In love and in hate.

In love and in hate.
They will see, we'll fight until eternity.
Come with me, we'll stand and fight together.
Through our strength, we'll make a better day
Tomorrow, we shall never surrender.

We shall never surrender.
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:41:49  357091
Архивариус, ты?
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:43:23  357093
Прост загуглил куски этой хрени из ОП поста. Написано песенка из Devil May Cry 4.
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:48:27  357095

Расшифровано. Содержимое вордпада в аудио.
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 22:49:02  357096
Хуерга, а не арг. Уносите.
Аноним 23/03/16 Срд 23:19:28  357103

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